Sunday, November 1, 2009

Folliculitis More Condition_symptoms How To Prevent/treat Folliculitis Of The Face/neck?

How to prevent/treat folliculitis of the face/neck? - folliculitis more condition_symptoms

I took everything I can from measures to prevent folliculitis / Razor Burn think. Even using an electric razor, razor blade, and it is completely impossible. Right now my Derm I was with Retin A, which will help a little. Have you ever had this guy have any suggestions. All are welcome, but as I said, use an electric razor, so that any proposal to request that the knife is not really here. Thank you all.


  1. Folliculitis is a bacterial infection. Ask your Derm to antibacterial soaps may be used on your face. There are soaps and skin care counter, which can be obtained from your doctor. The other option is to antibiotics if the rash is very bad.

  2. Have you tried using a single blade razor? Multiblade this hairstyle M3 to an oblique angle, then let the ends closed again beneath the surface of the skin - causing bumps and cause irritation. Razor blades and razors at the former do not cause this problem.

  3. ♥♥♥ånnę™...November 5, 2009 at 3:47 AM

    Take daily showers warm (not hot one) once or twice per day. Avoid heat and leisure activities that you sweat like aerobics or contact jogging.Avoid emollients grease, oil, sunscreen, tar and grease.
    Persistent folliculitis successfully remove the hair follicle EpiLightT system that can be treated chronic infections. The system creates a growing EpiLightT bright light source, the objectives of the pigment in the hair follicles. The pulsed light source provides quick energy to the root of the hair follicle to disable active hair growth, reducing the risk of new infections.

  4. They make a product for African American men who received the "skin razor - look at this section of the pharmacy, if not already done so.
